
发布时间:2010年09月01日 来源:南宁输血医学研究所血小板免疫学网 阅读次数:

作者:  Yangsook Koh, Atsuko Taniue, Hiroyuki Ishii等

来源:  Transfusion ,2010 June, No 6,Vol 50








Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia caused by an antibody specific for a newly identified allele of human platelet antigen-7


Transfusion ,2010 June NO 6,Vol 50

Yangsook Koh, Atsuko Taniue, Hiroyuki Ishii, Nobuki Matsuyama, Etsuko Amakishi, Tbmoya Hayashi, Rika A. Furuta, Yasuo Fukumori, Fumiya Hirayama, Keiji Yoshimura, Tomoko Nagamine, Susumu Tamai, and Susumu Nakano


BACKGROUND: Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) is a neonatal disorder characterized by maternal alloimmunization against fetal platelet (PLT) antigens inherited from the father. A healthy 30-year-old Japanese woman (Hit) gave birth to her second child after an uneventful pregnancy. Nine hours after birth, the infant presented with severe petechiae and a PLT count of 6×109/L.

STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: To elucidate the maternal cause  NAIT in the infant, serologic and genetic studies, including PLT genotyping and sequence-based analysis, were conducted. Additionally, serologic screening for the new PLT antigen was performed.

RESULTS: Serum from the NAIT infants mother contained antibodies directed against a human PLT antigen (HPA) of the newborn. Using five-cell-lineage flow cytometry we localized the antigen to a PLT glycoprotein (GP). Subsequent monoclonal antibody immobilization of PLT antigen assay and PLT immunofluorescence inhibition experiments localized the antigen to the GPⅢa subunit of the GPⅡb/Ⅲa complex. GPⅢa localization was confirmed by sequence-based typing studies, which identified a 1297C>T (407proline>serine substitution) mutation on the ninth exon of the GPⅢa gene. This mutation identified the third allele of HPA-7. Anti-Hita reacted with mutated GPⅢa -transfected cells but not with stable transfectants expressing wild-type GPⅢa. Serologic screening for Hit in the Japanese population revealed a phenotypic frequency of approximately 0.0015.

CONCLUSIONS: We identified a new third allele of HPA-7, which is characterized by a 1297C>T mutation in the GPⅢa gene. This 1297C>T allele was found in 0.15% of the Japanese population. An antibody against this antigen could be the cause of severe NAIT.


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