
发布时间:2015年09月15日 来源:南宁输血医学研究所血小板免疫学网 阅读次数:

作者:周燕  刘金莲  钟周琳  李丽兰 申卫东 吴国光

 来源:临床血液学杂志, 2015,28(6):459-461.


[摘要]  目的:建立流式细胞术筛查血小板抗体方法应用于临床检测。方法:对78例需要进行血小板抗体检测的病例作流式细胞筛查术检测,同时采用经典酶联免疫吸附实验(PAKPLUS试剂盒)做对照,比较两种方法的实验结果。结果:流式细胞术的血小板抗体检出率为35.90%28/78),PAKPLUS的检出率为25.65%20/78),两种方法阳性率差异无统计学意义(P0.05);经MAIPA技术鉴定,流式细胞术筛查血小板抗体为阳性的患者中,有10例含抗HLA抗体,有1例含抗HPA-5b抗体,有9例为自身抗体结论:成功建立了流式细胞术筛查血小板抗体并应用于临床检测;该技术拥有快速、易于操作的特点,且能实现程序化、标准化检测,值得推广应用。


Establishment and application of experiment method for Flow Cytometry of platelet antibody screening

ZHOU Yan, LIU Jin-Llian, ZHONG Zhou-Lin, LI Li-Lan, SHEN Wei-Dong, WU Guo-Gang
Journal of Clinical Hematology, 2015,28(6):459-461.

Abstract  Objective:To establish platelet antibody screening using Flow Cytometry(FCM) and apply to the clinic. Methods: The platelet antibody in 78 patients were detected by FCM and PAKPLUS, respectively. The results between two different techniques were compared. Results: In 78 patients , 28 were positive in FCM(35.90%),20 were positive in PAKPLUS(25.65%), there was no significant difference between two methods(P>0.05). After identification by MAIPA, 10 patients were anti-HLA, one patient were anti-HPA-5b, 9 patients were autoantibody. Conclusion: We established FCM technique to screen platelet antibody successfully. FCM may become the standard platelet antibody screening method as a possible alternative to be recommended. 
Key words:  platelet antibody; screen; Flow Cytometry;

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